PRAH is currently closed to accepting new clients.
Looking for a veterinarian?
If you are fortunate enough to have an animal companion, you understand the importance of being able to access veterinary support, both for preventative and emergency reasons.
Unfortunately, we are unable to accept new clients at this time.
This has been a challenging time for veterinary teams, often mirroring what citizens are experiencing on the human medical side. This is not exclusive to our area or even our province or country. The short of it is there are more companion animals than ever, and not enough veterinarians and their teams to service them all.
As you may know, Port Royal Animal Hospital is a ONE-veterinarian small animal hospital. In order to be licensed as a “hospital”, veterinarians must provide 24 hour emergency service for THEIR patients. Shared after-hours coverage (with a neighbouring hospital) has become necessary for sustaining this impossible expectation. For quite some time our accepting of new clients has been restricted to ensure there is a balance of the human health of the veterinary team and being able to offer appropriate standard of care to its current patient roster.
At this time, we need to press “pause” on even our waitlist. It has also become necessary to define what is an “active client”: although we may have seen your pet in the past, if 2 years has passed since their last Dr’s visit, they are no longer considered “active” and with that will not be eligible for afterhours emergency service or outpatient services until the Dr/Patient relationship is reestablished.
We are truly sorry we cannot help everyone. We encourage you to keep looking and wish you every success in finding your family’s veterinarian.
When the time is appropriate, we will notify via this website and social media, when our wait list is back in progress.
Respectfully yours,
Jody Cunningham, DVM